Content Quality Standards: White BalanceContent produced with an incorrect white balance setting is not acceptable.Nov 20, 2024Knowledge
InformationTitleContent Quality Standards: White BalanceURL NameWhy-was-my-image-rejected-for-White-BalanceArticle DetailArticleIf your content was rejected with “Content does not meet our minimum quality standards”, it may be because of one of the following reasons: The content has an unnatural color cast. e.g., a blue, orange, or green color cast. The content has a color cast that is distracting or not appropriate for the subject matter. Generally speaking, objects that appear white in reality should also appear white in your photos and videos, unless you are creatively using white balance to intentionally change the mood or feel of the content. Blue Color Cast | Orange/Yellow Color Cast | Green Color Cast Here is this same image with the correct white balance settings: Here are a few examples of poorly executed color cast adjustments or wrong white balance settings being used: In this image below a Tungsten White Balance setting was used when the Daylight setting should have been used. The Tungsten White Balance setting used in daylight results in an unattractive blue color cast.If the daylight white balance setting had been used, the image’s colors would have been accurate, as seen below. In this example, the Fluorescent White Balance setting was used when the Daylight setting should have been used. The wrong setting resulted in an unattractive blue/purple color cast.IIf the daylight white balance setting had been used, the image’s colors would have been accurate, as seen below. Here are a few examples of well done creative white balance/color cast adjustments: close up of laptop keyboard as a background toned to blue by donfioreIntentional Blue Color Cast Female fitness model training outside on a warm fall day and listening to music using smart phone by AlexMaster Intentional Orange/Yellow Color Cast Underground maintenance hallway with piping by AlffqIntentional Green Color Cast We Recommend Use the Custom White Balance setting or a preset setting such as Tungsten, Fluorescent, Daylight, Shade, etc., that matches the color temperature of the light source in which you are shooting. Auto White Balance can also be used, but don’t entirely trust that the camera will always give you perfect results, especially when shooting in mixed lighting environments. If you find out after a shoot that the wrong white balance setting was used, correct it in post-production. Unless intentionally adding a color tone to an image to create a particular feel or mood, colors should appear natural and accurate to the way they looked during the shoot. Keep in mind that intentional effects must be well done and must complement the subject matter.When creatively using white balance, describe the tone you are applying and feel or mood you are trying to achieve in the image’s title. This information will be useful to the reviewer and customer alike. If you don’t understand the reason for the rejection of your images or if you need additional clarification, you can always contact contributor support.